Elderly patient anesthesia

Fragile patient anaesthesia

As we get older, we increase our likelyhood of needing medical attention and surgical interventions.

In ANESTALIA we understand aging as an individual process. We offer our seniors a specialized care that accompanies this possible functional and generalized deterioration associated with advanced age at an important moment as surgery.

One of the main complications associated with elder patients during the surgical process is postoperative cognitive deterioration and delirium. Avoiding these complications is one of our priorities.

What we offer

We have a team commited to developing and applying new strategies for pre-habilitation, prevention and diagnosis.

Although it is true that age can be associated with a decline in the functions of our body, it has been demonstrated that a global anaesthetic assessment, with perioperative recommendations and specific post-operative care allows many of these changed to be optimized before surgery. All together to minimize the effect of the surgical process and preserve the quality of life.

Optimizing all these factors:

We improve surgical results

We reduce complications

We preserve the quality of life

We work with patients and their families to understand the risks and jointly make the best decisions at each moment of the surgical process.